Material produced using TPC equipment must be available for broadcasting on TPC.
The training and equipment available at TPC is intended for individuals and organizations to make cultural, informational, entertainment, or educational media productions of interest to our community.
Use of TPC equipment to produce content for personal use or business promotions or advertising is prohibited.
Programming at TPC may not contain content that is not protected by the First Amendment.
Programming at TPC may not contain pornographic material.
Program scheduling and content restrictions are at the discretion of TPC.
Equipment and facility reservations will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Reservations must be made by phone or in person.
Reservations must be made no fewer than 24 hours and no greater than 30 days in advance of the proposed checkout date.
Members may reserve equipment for weekend checkout periods no more than 3 weekends per month.
Members may reserve two cameras simultaneously only once per month and must reserve said equipment at least 2 weeks in advance of the proposed checkout date.
Checkouts and Returns
Equipment may only be checked out by a certified member. You become a certified member upon successful completion of the appropriate training class.
Failure to follow through with a standing reservation without prior notification will result in a minor violation and a fine of $5.
Returning equipment more than one hour past the specified return time without prior notification will result in a minor violation and a fine of $20.
Members are responsible for all equipment lost, damaged, or stolen.
Members may request checkout extensions via phone or in person. Such requests may be granted only at the discretion of the TPC staff.
Equipment that is checked out on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday must be returned within 24 hours.
Equipment that is checked out on a Friday or Saturday must be returned at the specified return time the following Tuesday.